Як підвищити кваліфікацію
у центрі прогресивної освіти "Генезум"?

  • збірник матеріалів
  • публікація на сайті genezum.org безкоштовна
  • заочна участь
  • для закладів загальної середньої освіти
  • для закладів дошкільної освіти
  • Сертифікат - 5 год, 0.05/0.1 ЄКТС
  • постійний доступ
  • можна проходити у будь-який час
  • дистанційне навчання
  • для закладів загальної середньої освіти
  • для закладів дошкільної освіти
  • Сертифікат - 16/30 год, 0.5/1 ЄКТС
  • безкоштовний перегляд
  • інтерактив зі спікером
  • онлайн формат
  • для закладів загальної середньої освіти
  • для закладів дошкільної освіти
  • Сертифікат - 2 год, 0.06 ЄКТС

Teaching elements and stages of writing in face-to-face teaching  is often overlooked and is given  mainly as homework because of the lack of time. However, writing in itself, is an extremely important productive skill, and is part of any exam, from ZNO (Independent  National Evaluation) to international language exams. 

Besides, writing is a multifaceted process, as it involves a lot of features: content (ideas), purpose of the message, knowing your reader, the ability to respond fully to the task, using correct and versatile grammar, correct spelling, rich vocabulary, coherence and cohesion of ideas, appropriate register, organization of the text,  etc, all of which demands from the teacher a real mastery in organizing the teaching process so that students would be able to produce the required task. To make matters even more difficult, we have to admit, that people nowadays do not write, for example, personal letters as often, as it is used to be.  As a result, students at school may not have had social experience of writing letters to their friends, and yet, they have to know how to do it. However, it is still a demand in the academic context,  and is part of  the exams (both national and international). Besides, according to Common European Framework of Reference, students of B1/B1+ level are supposed to be able to produce a “simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest”, they must be able to “write personal letters describing experiences and impressions.” [1]

Now, when distance learning is becoming a fact of life, teachers have a task to teach writing not only in terms of mechanics, content and adequate  response to the task, etc but they also need be able to prepare the students for the task in an online lesson, providing the necessary scaffolding, and only then may they give the task of writing a letter as homework.

Below you will find some ideas how to organize a lesson which will prepare students of B1 level to writing  a personal letter in an online lesson.

By the end of the lesson the learners will be equipped with the necessary language and a checklist (=tool) how to write a personal letter on a given topic as homework successfully. The necessary equipment for the lesson  is an online platform, which allows to share the teacher’s screen with the built in whiteboard/ a word document,  and a chat box. The teacher’s preparation – a sample  of a letter (a word document) .

Stage 1. Analysis of the example.

Task. Read the letter and answer the questions:

  1. Who is writing the letter? What is the relationship between  the author and the person who will receive the letter? How do you know?
  2. What are the logical parts of the letter? (A) (B) (C)… What is the purpose of each?
  3. Can you guess what the task was? (chat box)

EXAMPLE of the letter (prepared by the teacher beforehand)

  • Hi, Alice,
  • I was so happy to get an email from you, haven’t heard from you since we spoke on Skype! J It’s such a long time! Actually, I’m bit worried about your apathetic mood. L You’re writing that you’re bored on the lockdown, and you’re worried that you’ll put on weight. So I thought I’d let you know how I am trying to keep fit on the quarantine.
  • Well,firstly, I try to eat healthily. My diet includes lots of fruit and green vegetables. You know, I’m allergic to oranges, so I eat lots of apples instead. In fact, my day starts with a glass of smoothie. I love it. Secondly, I’ve taken up online yoga classes, and doing different yoga postures helps me keep my body flexible. Finally, I never eat anything after 6 p.m. It’s hard, but I’m doing my best!
  • As for being bored, well… I have lots of homework, as I’m preparing for my exams and I have to organize my time wisely. At the weekend I watch a film, something like a romantic comedy, to be relaxed.
  • Guess what! I have an idea! You could also sign up for that yoga class, and we can do it together! Then you’ll tell me how you feel. Besides, I know you like salads. So, I’ll send you a link to a fantastic vegan site with lots of recipes!
  • Please, let me know how it goes, and say hi to your Mum and Dad.
  • Best wishes,

Procedure of Stage 1.

  1. Teacher shares the model on the screen, explains the task. Students think about the answers individually (1 min).
  2. Teacher splits the students in the breakout rooms to discuss the answers to the task (5 min).
  3. Group discussion.(10 min) Groups report to the whole class with the answers to questions 1, 2. A special emphasis should be given to the logical coherence and cohesion, analysis of the register of the letter. Finally, in the chat box they have to share their ideas about the task that the writer of the model had. The initial task of the sample letter is: “Your friend complains that she is bored on the lockdown, and is worried about having put on weight. In your reply write about: 1. how you try not to put on weight; 2. whether you also feel bored; 3. some ideas how to improve your friend’s mood.” The importance of guessing the task activity is in demonstrating to the students that, if the writer is explicit in their ideas and sticks to the task, the message is easy to understand, and, hence, achieves its communicative goal. Sharing the ideas in the chat box helps to visualize the students’ ideas about the initial task, to compare and finalize the task of the sample letter.
  4. Teacher asks students to analyze the highlighted words (linkers, their purpose and character – ordering, contrast, addition etc)(3-4 min)

Stage 2. Creating a checklist for successful writing.

Procedure of Stage 2.

Teacher groups the students into breakout  rooms to discuss the following and make lists of :

Group 1- introductory phrases

Group 2-closing phrases

Group 3 – colloquial phrases

Group 4- linkers (additionally) (5 min)

After a short discussion, the students may come up with the following lists, sharing their ideas on the whiteboard/chatbox.(5 min)

Group 1- introductory phrases:

  • I hope you are fine.
  • How are you? How are your parents doing?
  • It was so good to get a letter(to hear) from you
  • I’m writing to tell you....(to ask you)(to thank you for)(to invite you to)

Group 2-closing phrases:

  • I must be going now
  • Bye for now, it was good to ….
  • Say hello to…Send my best wishes to…
  • Write back soon

Group 3 – colloquial phrases:

  • You remember ……, right?
  • Anyway, how are you?
  • …guess what-…..!
  • You know…
  • It’s cool…
  • Well,…

Group 4- linkers :

  • Besides,
  • However…
  • not only… but also…
  • By the way,…
  • Another thing…

Stage 3. Finalizing.  Students create a checklist for successful writing.

Procedure of Stage 3. (15 min)

Teacher asks students to think individually what aspects will definitely influence their success in writing any task (cohesion, spelling, grammar correctness, exact response to the task , etc), and to be ready to give tips to themselves how to be successful. Students share their ideas on the white board /in the chat box. They may come up with the following list:

  • one paragraph - one topic
  • a polite introduction
  • a reason to finish the letter
  • contractions (don’t/ I’m/ you’re…)
  • colloquial words/phrases (cool/mates/guys/multi-part verbs)
  • exclamation marks to add emotional emphasis
  • answer all the questions of the task
  • check for grammar, spelling, vocabulary mistakes


Preparing students for writing in an online lesson can be an enjoyable, informative process, providing lots of opportunities for critical thinking, analyzing, developing creativity, collaboration, communication, and the necessary scaffolding. It can sparkle  a discussion, and enhances students’ writing skill as it is. Teaching students in an online lesson how to write provides a wonderful chance to make a great contribution into the students’ competence and general development.


  1. Загальноєвропейські рекомендації з мовної освіти https://www.coe.int
  2. Земах, Дороті, Румісек, Лайза. Academic Writing  : From Paragraph to Essay. Macmillan, 2005. –131c
  3. Нова українська школа. Концептуальні засади реформування середньої школи/ Гриневич Л., Елькін О., Калашнікова С.. Коберник І., Ковтунець В., Макаренко О., Малахова О., Нанаєва Т., Усатенко Г., Хобзей П., Шиян Р., /За редакцією ГрищенкоМ. – Київ : МОН, 2016 – 40 с.
  4. Стівенс, Мері. Longman Exam Skills: New Proficiency Writing Pearson ELT, 2003. – 192c.
  5. Хармер, Джеремі. The Practice of English Language Teaching Pearson Longman, 2007. – 448 с.