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  • Сертифікат - 5 год, 0.05/0.1 ЄКТС
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  • Сертифікат - 2 год, 0.06 ЄКТС

My Puppy

My puppy has a doghouse,  
just outside my door.
He licks me when I pet him,
and wags his tail for more.
He's always there beside me,
no matter what I do.
My puppy is my special friend,
and a family member, too.


BUZZ! goes the bee,
 Hour after hour,
BUZZ! goes the bee
From flower to flower.

Sucking out the nectar
Flying it home.
Storing up the nectar
In the honeycomb

BUZZ! goes the bee,
Making honey so sweet.
Bee makes the honey
That I love to eat!

 Wind Pictures

Look! There's a giant stretching in the sky,
A thousand white-maned horses flying by,
A house, a mother mountain with her hills,
A lazy lady posing in her frills,
cotton floating from a thousand bales,
And a white ship with white sails.

See the old witch fumbling with her shawl,
White towers piling on a castle wall,
the bits of soft that break and fall away,
Airborne mushrooms with undersides of gray -
Above, a white doe races with her fawn
On the white grass of a celestial lawn.
Lift up your lovely heads and look
As wind turns clouds into a picture book.

With A Friend

I can talk with a friend
and walk with a friend
and share my umbrella in the rain
I can play with a friend
and stay with a friend
and learn with a friend
and explain
I can eat with a friend
and compete with a friend
and even sometimes disagree
I can ride with a friend
and take pride with a friend
A friend can mean so much to me

Spring, Almost

The sunshine gleams so bright and warm,
The sky is blue and clear.
I run outdoors without a coat,
And spring is almost here.

Then before I know it,
Small clouds have blown together,
Till the sun just can't get through them,
And again, it's mitten weather